Adam Badawy at Playthink: 9/18/18
Adam Badawy is a computational social scientist and a PhD candidate in the Political Science Department and Information Sciences Institute (ISI) at the University of Southern California (USC). Working at the Machine Intelligence and Data Science Lab, Adam uses machine learning, network analysis, and natural language processing to study and measure malicious activities and political behavior on online social networks. His latest research on the political misinformation campaign during the 2016 US presidential elections has been covered widely by various news outlets, including the MIT Technology Review, VOX , infobae, and PBS NewsHour.
Here is his latest article on "Analyzing the Digital Traces of Political Manipulation: The 2016 Russian Interference Twitter Campaign".
Join us at Playthink for a conversation between Adam Badawy and Jeff Watson, Assistant Professor of Cinematic Arts in Interactive Media & Games on September 18, 2018 fro 5:30-6:30PM in the SCI 201 Think Tank. This conversation will be recorded as part of our inaugural Playthink podcast re-design. This year, our salons will also be shorter, focused conversations. Beat the traffic home and join us for this fascinating conversation!