Collaboration is our game.


Game salon

Playthink is a USC-based salon about games, interactivity, art and culture. Since 2013, we have held a semi-regular series of discussions at the USC Game Innovation Lab that are dedicated to drawing out provocative ideas around play, games, art and interactivity. Since 2018, we have added a podcast component to our salon. Now you can listen to Playthink episodes on this page, below, or by subscribing to our feed on iTunes, Amazon, or YouTube podcasts.

Note: We’ve been a bit swamped the past several years, but we’re back now in the Fall of 2024 with more Playthink, so subscribe and keep your eye out for announcements!

Upcoming and past salons

October 2014 Playthink - Games and the Museum

Hi folks,

We’re continuing this semester’s roll-call of great ‘playthink’ salon events next Tuesday, with a special edition of playthink subtitled ‘Games and the Museum’.

When: Tuesday, October 14th from 6pm to 9pm
Where: SCI 201 on the second floor of the School of Cinematic Arts SCI building

Former USC Games professor William Huber (now teaching at Abertay in Scotland) is in town – he and I are part of an effort to organize a huge, first-of-its kind exhibition at London’s Victoria & Albert Museum in 2017, about video game design. The V&A was the world’s first (and is arguably the best) design museum. William and I are very excited to be taking part – and we’d like you to, too!

So please join us at next Tuesday, the 14th of October, from 6pm to 9pm, for lively discussion about how best to represent the history of game design to the public through a museum exhibit. As well as discussing ‘Games and the Museum’ we’ll also have some surprise topics for your delectation!

The salon will take place in USC’s School of Cinematic Arts complex, in SCI 201, on the second floor of the SCI building. Everyone in the USC community is welcome – we hope to see you there!

Very best wishes,

Richard Lemarchand & the playthink team

Presented by the School of Cinematic Arts’ Game Innovation Lab, playthink has become a lively nexus of community for USC Games. With the banner line of “games and play as art and culture”, we meet a few times a semester to host wide-ranging, audience-participatory discussions of the history, present and futures of games and interactive media.

Tracy Fullerton